Why am I?

Why am I?

Ever wonder what’s it all about? Why do I exist? Is this all? Just live, maybe leave a legacy, then die, and my life meant nothing because I will be too dead to look back at it, in pride or remorse. Why should I live a life of good, or of evil? Even if I manage to somehow rule the whole wide world, what have I gained after I die? The scientists say everything that we see and are, is basically a huge accidental existence by the infinitely slimmest of chances, in the Big Bang and Evolution theories. So what is the reason for my life? To fight to survive because that’s how we were supposed to have evolved because of survival of the fittest, natural selection? Am I to just accumulate all I can get, because that’s our deepest desires? To procreate, because it’s our nature to continue the meaningless cycle of leaving our seed? To then become non-existent because this functioning concoction of elements that’s my body stopped functioning and my mind ceases to think?

Some of the greatest minds in science would tell me that we’ve evolved from the simplest of cells to this super complicated body through billions of years of natural selection to become a species of moral humans, all without any kind of design. We are the only reasoning species, yet we are playing survival of the fittest with moral standards now? We laud ourselves for our goodness yet we can’t get far from our human nature of murder, theft, greed, lying, cheating, injustice and hatred. We are the only species that can use logic, yet assembles for the mass annihilation of war. We are the only species that knows true love, not just the instinct of caring for ones young and breeding with ones mate. We are the only ones that have escaped the boundaries of this world. The only ones that can ask how, what, why?  Am I really a product of a mutant ameba, descendants of frogs and monkeys? Did morals truly develop from human cooperation during our survival of the fittest? Other animals cooperate socially, but have no morals. What makes humans different?

The true difference is something that science can’t measure. Can’t study under a microscope. Can’t prove the existence of. It’s part of a realm that they deny exists because they only know that which is space, time or matter. If it isn’t one of these, then it isn’t scientifically viable. It can’t exist. Yet the proof of it is obvious all around us. The difference is spirit. Human spirit. Not a human trait or quality but the vary essence of our consciousness. That which makes us “who” we are and not what we are.

This spirit can only be a product of something that isn’t of time, space or matter. Something created by design by a creator. The Creator of all things seen and unseen, creating by design for a purpose. A perfect plan for each one of us. He created our spirit with a free will, to chose, to believe or deny, to accept or reject that plan and it’s Creator.

The spirit in us develops similarly to our physical bodies that develop on the outside. We are conceived, our bodies grow from cells, to an infant, in nine months in the womb. We are born, and our bodies continue changing and growing to serve the purpose it was designed for. To live our lives in this physical creation of time space and matter. When we chose wisely, we are born again, reborn of spirit, (John 3: 1-12) developing in the spiritual womb (our bodies), and beginning the spiritual life within us. Our spirits develop in this body growing in wisdom and experience, seeking God and getting to know and love Him, our Creator, and becoming a spiritual being, until the time we go to live in the spiritual world with Him.  Our spirit, before the rebirth, is like our minds were in our mother’s womb, blind and in darkness to what the physical world at our physical birth will be like. If some of us knew, we’d probably fight to stay unborn! But thank God we were.   

A human spirit explains a lot of questions, like when does a baby have life. When it’s born? When it develops enough to look like a person in the womb? Or does life start at conception or the 1st breath at birth? To decide this, we should ask, what is the value of human life. What makes us more valuable than animals? Because we think, reason and dominate them? Or because of the spiritual beings we are? If we are no more than higher animals, then life is meaningless and it begins and ends with the breath of life. But if our existence has meaning and a purpose than something higher than flesh and blood must have created us with a plan and purpose. Thus true life is of this spiritual creator, creating spiritual life separate from living tissue and cells that make up all living things. True human life starts when the Creator generates (Gen 2:7) our spirit (soul) at the very moment of conception. (Our soul is a spiritual being)

Medical studies show that a fetus reacts to pain also has dreams and reacts to its mother. Lifeless masses of tissue do not have measured human reactions. Unthinking brains don’t dream or have measurable brain waves. (http://www.nrlc.org/Factsheets/FS09_TheBasics.pdf)

How about the question of morals, or of good and evil, or who am I? Why am I? We, being aware of our state and being able to ask such questions, separate ourselves from all other living things for some purpose. All other living things react to stimuli, but we question it. Seek answers for it. Judge which is good and which is wrong. By the power of reason, we live our lives and overcome most all things. Yet when we look around we see flawed reasoning and argue truth. Our power of reason separates us from all other living things and also from ourselves. This reasoning is our gift of free will from our Creator for the purpose of His divine plan. The plan involving us to ponder and chose. To recognize or reject all that He has planned for those who will seek the truth that is laid out before us all. (Psa 97:6) God created all things for one purpose, to have fellowship with free willed beings, created in His own image, (His character) who chose to be with Him. Like Himself as He showed us when He became a man with flesh, lived perfectly, and fulfilled a prophesied sacrifice which allow us way to be accepted for His perfect plan. God searches our souls for those whose free will is open to Him. He reveals His plan to those who chose wisely and are born of eternal spirit. They are given insight (Gods light, illuminating truth) and peace that comes knowing what we were born for. This insight allows us to grow for Him in spirit and truth, fulfilling His great plan. His word in the Bible is the spiritual food for this growth. Coming together to learn and give thanks to Him keeps us from harm in our growth and reaching maturity.

There is so much more to life than what things the physical world reveals. This physical world will never reveal all the answers our reasoning can ask. Like what happens at death, and what this physical world is all about. Born, live, die, then nothing? Our every fiber knows there is more. You can tell yourself there isn’t. It’s your free will. You birth right to chose.

If you haven’t seen God, you haven’t sought Him on His terms. Since He is greater and the giver of all things, we should seek Him with all our heart. (Deu. 4:29) God judges the heart and knows us from before time. (Jeremiah 1:5, Ps. 139:15 & 16) God will leave closed minds closed. (Exodus 9:12, 10:20&27) Skeptics will not be giving vision. Open minds will see and choose wisely. Closed minds try to judge a spiritual God on a physical scale. God is not of matter, space or time. He is not limited by what we understand. (Isa. 55:9) We have to judge God by the evidence and have faith in the rest, not twist the evidence to fit what we understand. Modern science denies the spiritual so all facts have to be shaped to fit their physical models. Taking the same facts and applying them to a model recognizing a creator allows a widely enlightened understanding. In fact the mosaic of the mysteries of our world and cosmos come together like perfectly fitting pieces of a puzzle. We won’t receive all the pieces of the puzzle until we are together with Him in eternity. For God, in his perfect wisdom requires faith, (Jn. 3:15) and supplies all that we need to complete that faith. (2 Ti. 1:12)

Science is wonderful. Our Creator has given us all things (Gen. 1:28) and exploring our physical existence is truly a great privilege. His eternal knowledge is awesome. But science isn’t the answer to all things. Fundamental basics in science deny all the godless theories of our existence.  “Time” demands a beginning and an end. As we observe that all things degenerate, then all things would have started and degenerated an eternity ago. (Yah? think about it) The “Big Bang” requires creating something from nothing. It takes a greater faith to believe that then to believe in a Creator. “Evolution” has 3 big strikes against it. 1) The theory of: “life” supposedly being created from basic elements. The supposed life giving “primordial (DNA) soup” will never be duplicated in any lab. You can’t put together a bunch of used car parts and say you’ve re-invented the car. DNA was created with life. 2) The observed fact of mutation as always being a disadvantage. Cross breeding between similar species always creates a dysfunctional product for breeding or worse. There is microevolution within a species but never proven between species. There are no missing links, only newly discovered species or those evolved within that species. (Gen. 1:29 & 30) God created “every kind”. He covered all the combinations.  3) Every supposed scientific “Proof” presented by evolution scientists can and are highly argued and disproved by creation scientists. Which proof do you chose to believe. You are a creature of free will having a highly developed reasoning mind to weigh the evidence and judge. Was this mind a product of chance or design? Will your motives in your decision be swayed by your desires to serve yourself or to give credit due the one who created you by design for His purpose? So in light of these things, which is greater, the art or the artist, the Creator or the created? Are we so great as to ignore the evidence of God and to decide that we are the creators of what we are today?

You have a consequence for this decision. Spiritual life is eternal, (Jn. 3:16) and spiritual death is eternal. (Mark 9:47 & 48, Mathew 10:28) You can chose that your life means nothing and is a product of chance so you can live your years on earth as you see fit, or you can chose to have a purpose and have a part in the wonderful plan the Lord has for us in eternity.

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